Astronomia zmusza duszę do patrzenia w górę i prowadzi nas z tego świata do innego.


Wyposażony w pięć zmysłów człowiek bada otaczający go wszechświat i nazywa tę przygodę nauką.

Edwin Hubble

Celem życia jest badanie Słońca, Księżyca i Niebios.

about us

National Observatory & Research Center for
Night-time Astronomy

Science is the US national research & development center for ground-based night-time astronomy. Our mission is to provide public access to qualified professional researchers to forefront scientific capabilities on telescopes operated by our experts as well as other optical devices. Today, these telescopes range in aperture size from 2 m to 10 m.

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Astronomy News

Lunar Eclipse: Your Personal Viewing Guide

On the morning of January 31, people with clear skies across western North America will have front-row seats to the first total eclipse of the Moon since September...


Hubble Captures Massive Dead Disc Galaxy

By combining the power of a "natural lens" in space with the capability of NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers made a surprising discovery—the first...


Astronomers Find Planet Hotter Than Most Stars

A newly discovered Jupiter-like world is so hot, it's being vaporized by its own star. With a dayside temperature of more than 7,800 degrees Fahrenheit (4,600 Kelvin)...

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Night Excursions
to the Observatory

Explore the highlights of the southern sky on a night tour at the oldest local observatory. Use our telescopes to see the stars during this unique experience.

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Event Calendar

  • Comet 45P/HMP
  • Annular Eclipse
  • Mercury, Mars, Moon
  • Moon Meets Jupiter
  • Venus Joins Jupiter
  • Comet 45P/HMP
  • Annular Eclipse
  • Mercury, Mars, Moon
  • Moon Meets Jupiter
  • Venus Joins Jupiter
  • Comet 45P/HMP
  • Annular Eclipse
  • Mercury, Mars, Moon
  • Moon Meets Jupiter
  • Venus Joins Jupiter